Lottery Profits Are a Significant Source of State Revenue

The casting of lots has a long record in human history, including dozens of instances in the Bible. More recently, people have been using lotteries for material gain, and the modern era of state-sponsored lotteries began with the New Hampshire lottery in 1964. Lottery proceeds are a significant source of state revenue.

Many people play the lottery for fun, but others think they will win and change their lives forever. Some think that winning the lottery will allow them to buy a luxury home, travel the world or close all of their debts. These dreams are unrealistic, and it is important to remember that the odds of winning are very low.

In addition, gambling has a tendency to encourage covetousness. Those who gamble often feel that money can solve all their problems, even though God has warned against this practice (Exodus 20:17). Lotteries are often promoted as a way for the common man to become rich, and many lottery winners find that they cannot handle sudden wealth.

Lotteries also have a particular appeal during times of economic stress, because they can be sold as a way for the state to improve its financial health without raising taxes or cutting public services. However, research suggests that this claim is overstated and that state governments do not actually gain much benefit from lotteries. In fact, most of the revenue is absorbed by convenience store operators; lottery suppliers (who make heavy contributions to state political campaigns); and teachers (in states where lottery revenues are earmarked for education). Lotteries develop extensive specific constituencies as well, including: